Cannabis & Pediatric Epilepsy

Cannabis & Pediatric Epilepsy

It is estimated that nearly half a million children in the United States have pediatric epilepsy, a chronic condition characterized by unprovoked, recurring seizures. This disease’s consequences can be dire, with cognitive delay, behavioral problems, autism, and...
Menopause and Cannabis

Menopause and Cannabis

Menopause marks the end of a woman’s menstrual cycles and reproductive years. The term encompasses many changes that women experience just before or after they stop having their period. Menopause Causes Menopause is a natural occurrence and is not typically caused by...
Cannabis in Palliative Care

Cannabis in Palliative Care

Medical cannabis is often discussed as a way to enhance the quality of life and relieve suffering for chronic patients. Less often discussed is how cannabis can be utilized for end-of-life (or palliative) care. However, given its ability to relieve symptoms and result...
Cannabis & Cognitive Issues in Older Adults

Cannabis & Cognitive Issues in Older Adults

Even since its legalization, the Florida medical cannabis industry has seen upward trends in acceptance and usage across all demographics. However, some camps have expressed concern about cannabis usage in senior citizens, citing fears that the drug could accelerate...