Many medical conditions qualify for medical marijuana treatment in Florida. The qualifying conditions all can be effectively treated by medical marijuana. For patients considering or continuing medical marijuana use, it is important to see a qualified and experienced physician.

A knowledgeable doctor reviews the medical records and health history of their patients to determine whether they meet the requirements for Florida medical marijuana conditions. Patients should openly discuss their health concerns with their doctor, to ensure they receive the appropriate medical cannabis treatment.

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana in Florida

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Marijuana in Florida

Florida’s list of qualifying conditions includes health issues and ailments that are effectively treated by medical marijuana. Florida’s qualifying medical marijuana conditions are:

  • Cancer—Medical cannabis can help reduce the symptoms of cancer treatments, including nausea, loss of appetite, pain, anxiety, and depression.
  • Epilepsy—Cannabidiol (CBD), which is one of the chemical compounds in medical cannabis, has been shown to reduce seizures by as much as 42 percent.
  • Glaucoma—Medical marijuana may help alleviate the pressure that builds up in the eye, relieving glaucoma symptoms.
  • HIV/AIDS—Numerous patients with HIV or AIDS turn to medical cannabis for help with symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue and pain.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—Veterans and others with PTSD use medical marijuana to help with symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia.
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)—Medical marijuana helps relieve multiple symptoms of ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease), including easing pain, reducing muscle spasms, stimulating appetite, and improving depression.
  • Crohn’s disease—Many patients with Crohn’s disease report improvement in their symptoms with medical marijuana treatment.
  • Parkinson’s disease—Patients with Parkinson’s disease find that medical marijuana helps with sleep and reduces muscular rigidity and
  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS)—Many MS patients have found that medical cannabis helps to alleviate symptoms such as muscle spasms, pain, and
  • Terminal conditions—A wide range of conditions may fall within this category. Medical marijuana may help relieve the pain and insomnia associated with many terminal conditions.
  • Chronic pain—To qualify under Florida law, the pain must result from a qualifying condition and last longer than would typically be expected.
  • Medical conditions of the same kind or class—For patients who do not have one of the conditions above, it is important not to lose hope. Many patients qualify for medical marijuana under this category, but that determination must be made by a qualified medical professional who is experienced with medical marijuana treatment and who understands Florida law.

Patients interested in medical marijuana treatment are best served by working with an experienced physician in a professional setting. Each individual’s situation is different, so patients should seek a medical opinion rather than determining on their own whether they qualify for medical marijuana.

Determining Whether You Have a Qualifying Condition

Determining Whether You Have a Qualifying Condition

For a qualified physician to effectively determine whether patients have one or more of the Florida medical marijuana conditions, patients should prepare for their appointments. After patients make their appointment with a medical marijuana practice such as Neurology of Cannabis in Sarasota, they should prepare the following:

  1. Their medical records. Patients should contact their primary doctor and obtain a copy of their medical records. Due to privacy concerns, patients may need to provide a written request for their medical records. Physicians are required by Florida law to provide their patients with a copy of their records upon request.
  2. A list of current medications. To have a complete understanding of a patient’s present health and symptoms, medical marijuana doctors review patient medications. Compile a list with each medication taken, along with the dose and frequency. Alternatively, patients can take pictures of their medication bottles with their phones and use that to provide a list to their medical marijuana doctor.
  3. A list of questions or concerns. Some patients prefer to write down their questions and concerns for the doctor so they know exactly what they want to ask. Other patients prefer to bring a caregiver or loved one to ask questions on their behalf.
  4. Intake forms or questionnaires. Many practices have patients fill out forms before their appointment. Practices such as Neurology of Cannabis provide forms online, allowing patients to complete them in advance and without rushing. The form asks about the patient’s medical history, allergies, and current medications.

By preparing this information in advance, patients give their medical marijuana doctors ample time to review their medical history and determine whether or not they qualify for medical marijuana treatment under Florida law.

The Assurance of a Professional Assessment

The Assurance of a Professional Assessment

For an accurate determination of whether patients qualify for medical marijuana and whether it will help with their health concerns, consider seeing Dr. Daniel P. Stein at Neurology of Cannabis. Dr. Stein has 26 years of medical experience, and his expertise in neurology gives him deep insights into the effectiveness of medical marijuana for a wide range of conditions.

Dr. Stein founded Neurology of Cannabis to provide professional, affordable medical cannabis recommendations. He is well-versed in Florida medical marijuana conditions and will make treatment recommendations tailored to the needs of his patients. Instead of a complicated fee structure, Neurology of Cannabis charges a simple, easy to manage $250 annual fee, which includes state-mandated re-certifications, order renewals, and unlimited access to office staff for questions and dosage adjustments.

If you’ve been considering medical marijuana for a health condition, you deserve expert care in a professional setting. Contact Neurology of Cannabis today to make an appointment.

Neurology of Cannabis